
Train from Binh Thuan to Hue

Departs Arrives Train No Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Berth Soft Berth Action
01:10 16:19 Reunification Express Train SE2 (15hr 9min) Book
23:20 15:26 Reunification Express Train SE4 (16hr 6min) Book
12:30 04:52 Reunification Express Train SE6 (16hr 22min) Book
09:31 01:34 Reunification Express Train SE8 (16hr 3min) Book
18:42 12:58 Reunification Express Train SE10 (18hr 16min) Book
11:25 05:55 Reunification Express Train SE12 (18hr 30min) Book


• The railway from  Muong Man (Binh Thuan Province)  station to Hue station is about 863 Kilometers. There are 3 trains including SE2, SE4, SE6, SE8, SE10,and SE12 (which belong to Reunification Express train) on this route. They daily depart and take about 17 to 19,5 hours (From Muong Man to Hue or return)The seat types include the hard seat, the soft seat, hard berth (6 berths in a cabin) and the sort berth (4 berths in cabin) - From Soft Seat type to Soft Berth type, all carriages and cabins are air-conditioned with the comfortable seats/berths.

Muong Man ( Binh Thuan) railway station :

Address : Muong Man commune, Ham Thuan Nam district, Binh Thuan province

 Hue railway station :

Address :  2 Bui Thi Xuan Street, Hue, Thừa Thiên–Hue Province

16 Hue attractive tourist destination about the old ancient land

  1. Đại Nội Huế

Located on the banks of the poetic Huong River, Hue Citadel is a cultural heritages recognized as world cultural relics. Hue Citadel includes the Imperial Citadel and the Forbidden City, surrounded by the Imperial Capital.


Visiting the complex of Hue Citadel, Hue tourist destination, you will admire the magnificent palaces, temples and shrines, rich in architectural style of the Nguyen Dynasty. Not only have the opportunity to learn more about history, you are also free to take photos in this unique architectural space.


More specifically, recently Hue Citadel has officially opened to welcome visitors at night from 19 - 22h and this is the opportunity for you to "own" the beautiful photos inside the brilliant, shimmering works. Linh lam. You can book hotels near to the Noi area for your travel.


  1. Hue mausoleums

During the Nguyen Dynasty, there were 13 kings but only 7 tombs were built. Each mausoleum is the king's choice of location and architecture, so each mausoleum here has its own architectural features with exquisite, unique carvings. The most unique are Tu Duc Tomb, Minh Mang Tomb and Khai Dinh Tomb.

  1. Tomb of Tu Duc

Located in a narrow valley of Duong Xuan Thuong village, Cu Chanh district, Tu Duc Tomb (also known as Khiem Lang) is probably the most beautiful tomb of the Nguyen Dynasty's tombs due to the harmony between the frame. natural landscape "charming aquatic paint" and vast, vast architectural space. Surrounded by a tub of lush green trees and located near a large lake, Tu Duc Mausoleum appears with ancient features and sophisticated architecture, immersed in romantic nature and strangely peaceful space.


  1. Tomb of Minh Mang

Minh Mang Mausoleum is a mausoleum that visitors can hardly ignore with the static lines in the architecture, which are harmoniously combined with the space of painting and poetry and the lyrical natural scenery. show the solemn, strict but equally romantic character of the king.


  1. Mausoleum of Khai Dinh

Built on Chau Chu Mountain, Khai Dinh Tomb is the resting place of the 12th emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty. Despite its modest size compared to the tombs of its predecessors, the Khai Dinh tomb was built very elaborately and sophisticatedly in a period of up to 10 years.


Khai Dinh Mausoleum is the only monumental structure with the architecture of East-West cultures. This is reflected in the magnificent bas-reliefs that are meticulously assembled by porcelain and glass, tea trays, crowns, and modern decorations at the time such as tennis rackets, oil lamps, ...

  1. Thien Mu Pagoda

Located on the hill of Ha Khe, on the left bank of the Perfume River, Thien Mu Pagoda stands out in the middle of a poetic natural space and inspires many works of music and poetry.


From the distance, towering Phuoc Duyen tower towering, as a symbol that everyone remembers when coming to this ancient city. Coming to Thien Mu Pagoda, listening to the sound of the temple resonating in the natural beauty, you will find your heart lighter and more relaxed in the face of life.

  1. Perfume River

As a symbol and also the pride of the people of Hue, the Huong River is gentle as a long, soft silk strip in the middle of a dreamland of Kinh. The Perfume River is emerald green, crystal clear, reflecting the view of the poetic city under the calm water and sparkling in the sun. How many artists when cruising to admire the peaceful Huong Giang and listen to traditional Hue folk songs here have found a great source of inspiration to compose immortal poems. You can choose the right hotel along Huong River to fully enjoy the trip.


  1. Vong Canh Hill

If you're looking for a panoramic view of the city from above, head to Vong Canh Hill. From the top view of Vong Canh Canh, you will see the "charming water" landscape of the poetic Huong River and ancient tombs, temples and pagodas. . If you have the opportunity, visit Vong Canh Hill at sunrise or at sunset, you will see a whole corner of Hue as the sun rises in the brilliant shimmering sun.


  1. Ngu Binh mountain

In addition to the poetic Huong River, Ngu Binh mountain is also a symbol of nature and the pride of the people of Hue. When mentioning about Huong River, people cannot forget to mention Ngu mountain. Standing on the top of this beautiful mountain, you can look far away and admire the picturesque places and natural scenery of Hue city. From the foot to the top of the mountain is covered with lush pine forests, mixed in the cool breeze, bringing a cool space and feeling of ultimate relaxation.


  1. 10. Hon Chen Palace

Located on the side of Ngoc Tran mountain, looming in the green canopy and directing me to shadow the waters of the Perfume River, the Palace of Hon Chen An is a cluster of historical and religious relics including 10 buildings with architectural features. Unique ancient decorative architecture. This cluster of monuments is also a unique cultural and religious tourist attraction that attracts many visitors to the festival taking place in March and July of the lunar calendar every year.


  1. Thien An Hill - Thuy Tien Lake

Thuy Tien lake is located on Thien An hill with green trees. If Ho Thuy Tien has a quiet, romantic and romantic beauty, Thien An Hill has the appearance of a "miniature Dalat" because it is covered with green pine trees. All combine with each other to bring visitors the feeling of lightness and relaxation in a peaceful and peaceful space.


  1. Bach Ma mountain

Moving away from the center of Hue city, Bach Ma Mountain is the natural boundary between Thua Thien Hue and Da Nang provinces in Bach Ma National Park with majestic waterfalls and a variety of rare flora and fauna. Conquering Bach Ma Mountain, you will admire the panoramic view of Tuy Van Mountain, Hai Van Pass and the splendid scenery of Hue city in your sight.


  1. Lang Co beach

Not only the ancient historical and cultural relics, Hue city also owns beautiful beaches that fascinate many tourists. Lang Co Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam with long white sand beach embracing the clear blue beach as one of the top tourist destinations in Hue. Around the coast are majestic green forests on the majestic mountains, which will surely make your Hue travel experience more complete.


  1. Thuan An Beach

Thuan An Beach is also a beach that many tourists love to visit the tourist destination of Hue because of the gentle, poetic beauty of the gentle waves. Immerse yourself in the refreshing cool water, take a walk along the shimmering golden sand and enjoy the delicious fresh seafood delicacies to enjoy a wonderful holiday on the beautiful Thuan An beach paradise pretty.


  1. Lap An lagoon

Combining a tour of Lang Co beach with a visit to Lap An Lagoon (also known as An Cu Lagoon) is an attractive tourist destination in Hue. When the sunset's sunset sun disappeared after the majestic Bach Ma mountain range, the calm water surface of Lap An lagoon turned into a vibrant orange-yellow color mixed with the deep blue color of the lagoon's water, looking away like a picture. ink paintings extremely fanciful and vivid. Moreover, the people here are famous for farming oysters, so in addition to admiring the beautiful lyrical nature, you also have the opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes made from oysters.


  1. Ho Truoi - Truc Lam Zen Monastery

Located at the foot of Bach Ma Mountain, Truoi Lake is a large hydroelectric project. In the middle of Truoi lake, Truc Lam Bach Ma Zen Monastery is the first monastery in the Central region, looking away like a lotus in the middle of a clear blue lake. From the Zen Monastery, look far away to admire the majestic mountains and forests and the "green and blue" beauty of Truoi Lake in the cool, fresh air of the prosperous place.


You can visit the website: www.happygotravel.vn for details of Hue tours

CHILDREN PRICES (for Reunification Express Train only)

• Under 3 years:  Travel free

• From 3 to under 9 years old (and shorter than 1.3m):  Price will be 75% of adult price for the North - South trains and and vice versa. 

But for Tourist trains such as Hanoi - Sapa and vice versa, no children ticket are offered. they have to buy full tickets like the adults!

• Over 9 years old: 100% of adult price.


• Carry-on Bags: The train cabins are allowed to carry baggages which do not exceed the weight limitation of 20 kgs of adults and 10 kgs of children. This baggages must be wrapped neatly and reliably.